Charting the Course
We work with our clients to identify three critically important factors: risk tolerance, the time horizon associated with the invested assets, and the financial need that the assets are being invested to satisfy.
How We Assist Our Clients
We show clients what income they can expect (in today’s value vs. future value) based on projections derived from current contributions, time horizon, and assumed returns from our model portfolios. These projections help our clients manage their retirement funds based on projected income—instead of reacting to market movements and making mistakes. Given this knowledge, our clients can either change their retirement age, contribution amount, or model/risk level to achieve their retirement income goals.
Total Market Approach
Research has shown that over 90% of an investor’s investment results are determined by the asset allocation they have utilized*. At CBIZ InR, we work diligently to develop the asset allocation strategy to fit the needs of our investors, and to then use the low-cost, passive investment products from firms like Vanguard® to populate the desired asset classes.
Fee Disclosure
In many instances, defined benefit pension and defined contribution retirement plan sponsors may not know the total costs being borne by the plans they offer to their employees. CBIZ InR works diligently to identify all plan-related costs and discloses those costs to the plan sponsor. This results in decisions that are based upon the true value proposition being offered by the vendors to the plan.
Fiduciary Responsibility
CBIZ InR acts as a co-fiduciary with a plan sponsor to facilitate and comply with Department of Labor (DOL) and ERISA standards for a fiduciary. Plus, our plan level and participant investment advice, coupled with annual meetings with plan trustees, enable plan sponsors to follow prudent investment strategies.
* Source: “Determinants of Portfolio Performance”, Brinson, Hood, Beebower, Financial Analysts Journal, July/August 1986. Updated in Financial Analyst Journal, May/June 1991 and “Abstract: Sources of Portfolio Performance – The enduring importance of Asset Allocation” Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research 2006.